Cats Are Smarter Than You Think


Cats are breathtakingly beautiful creatures, but they are also highly intelligent. Not convinced?

In this collection of stories from a prominent online community of cat lovers, you'll be astounded and intrigued by the cats' astounding intelligence, problem-solving skills, and cunning antics.

These inspiring accounts detail the many times that cats came to the rescue of their owners in times of need. Learn the truth about how awesome cats are.

Migraine is a real problem for Brian, and he talks about it. All four cats lived in separate pairings and rarely interacted with one another.

Unfortunately, Brian awoke to a surprising scene one day when the migraine was very intense.

They cooed together while they waited for the headache to pass. These furballs set aside their differences to rally around their human friend.

Kathy, her owner, reveals an incident that occurred when she was sleeping soundly in her seventh month of pregnancy.

Chispa's ability to smell smoke and her constant meowing allowed her husband to extinguish the fire and save their lives.

The story of a cat named Spider is told. One morning, Spider woke up his owner and escorted them to the French doors in the living room.

Spider looked intently at the light switch, presumably suggesting that he wished for the lights to be turned on and the patio to be illuminated.