Do You Have a Loving Dog?


This is how dogs actually demonstrate empathy and a close emotional bond with their owners, according to recent studies.

It seems that the need to coordinate activities and strengthen our species-to-species link gave rise to behaviors like contagious yawning.

"This attachment can shape the dog's responses in a way similar to humans, that is, to be more sensitive to a familiar yawn than to a stranger."

When a dog gazes into your eyes, it's displaying affection. Dogs, like humans, give us the "love eye" to show their appreciation.

Your dog will produce more oxytocin (the "love" hormone) as a result of this reciprocal staring contest.

Looking at our "furever" family members causes the same release of oxytocin as a new mother experiences while looking at her infant.

According to research, "looking into one another's eyes can increase hormones associated with social bonding."

The positive effects of dog staring have been verified by Laurie Santos, director of the Yale University Center for Canine Cognition.