El Nino's Snowfall Is a Wake-Up Call


According to his estimate, there will be snowfall later in various east coast states, including Vermont, Pennsylvania, and New York.

It may take a week or two before snow falls in certain places, where it generally occurs in early November.

Forecasts are subject to change, but this is useful information for anybody planning a late-year ski vacation.

He gave a really clear explanation of the problem, so even if you're not an expert in weather, you can understand what's happening.

Winter this year might be intriguing because of El Niño, increasing Atlantic Ocean temperatures, and a shifting southern jet stream.

This winter may turn out to be a little different than normal due to strange weather patterns.

Additionally, you may want to be ready if you're expecting for snow to fall where you live, particularly if you want to go skiing anytime soon.

This year has seen the warmest summer on record, and it seems that the following several months—including the winter—will see even more unusual weather.