Eggs are a complete protein source with essential amino acids vital for muscle recovery and growth.
Lean chicken breasts are low in fat, high in protein, and a top choice for muscle building diets.
Rich in protein and gut-friendly probiotics, Greek yogurt supports muscle repair and growth.
Salmon is packed with high-quality protein and omega-3 fatty acids beneficial for muscle health.
Lentils provide a significant protein punch and are an excellent vegetarian muscle-building option.
Casein in cottage cheese provides a slow-digesting protein ideal for muscle maintenance.
Tuna is high in protein, low in fat, and a beneficial addition to muscle-building diets.
Quinoa is a complete plant-based protein, packed with essential amino acids vital for muscle recovery.
Almonds offer protein and healthy fats, aiding in muscle repair and recovery.
Whey protein supplements deliver a quick source of protein, crucial for post-workout muscle repair.