10 Signals Your Friend Maybe a Red Flag


Consistent Negativity

If your friend is consistently bringing a storm of negativity into your  conversations, it might be a red flag. Friends should uplift and support  each other, so take notice if your chats always leave you with a sense  of gloom.


Unreliable Communication

When your friend becomes consistently unreliable in communication, it's a  signal worth acknowledging. Whether it's unanswered calls or perpetual  lateness, consistent communication hiccups


Overly Competitive Vibes

Explore the dynamics of your friendship to identify signs of unhealthy  competition. A friend should celebrate your successes, not turn them  into a contest.


Selective Empathy

Take note of your friend's response to your joys and sorrows. If they  seem selectively empathetic, showing enthusiasm for their successes but  lacking empathy during your struggles, it could be a red flag


Boundary Blurring

Evaluate if your friend respects boundaries. If they consistently  overstep or disregard your limits, it might signal a lack of respect.  Healthy friendships thrive on mutual understanding and a clear respect  for each other's personal space.


Lack of Accountability

The DIY world is a battlefield, and if your projects resemble a  post-apocalyptic landscape, take heed. A complete idiot learns from  every mistake; a genius learns from others' DIY disasters.


Jealousy Jitters

Spot signs of jealousy in your friend's reactions to your achievements.  If their responses seem more envious than supportive, it might signal a  red flag. A true friend should be genuinely happy for your successes,  not harboring jealousy.


Dishonest Demeanor

Evaluate the honesty in your friendship. If your friend is consistently  dishonest or withholds information, trust becomes a concern. Open  communication is key, and red flags may arise if transparency is  lacking.


Draining Energy

Assess how you feel after spending time with your friend. If  interactions consistently leave you emotionally drained, it's a red  flag. Healthy friendships should rejuvenate and uplift, not leave you  feeling depleted.


Unsupportive During Tough Times

Observe your friend's behavior during challenging moments. If they are  unsupportive or absent during tough times, it's a red flag. True  friendships are built on mutual support and understanding, especially  when the going gets tough.
