10 Things You Should Never Say In A Job


What Does This Company Even Do?

Avoid the awkwardness of admitting you haven't researched the company, ensuring you showcase your interest and dedication from the get-go.


How Much Vacation Time Do I Get?

Steer clear of sounding too eager for time off; focus on showcasing your enthusiasm for the role before delving into perks and benefits.


My Last Boss Was Terrible

Maintain professionalism by refraining from negative comments about previous employers, steering the conversation toward positive aspects of your previous experiences


I'm Really Nervous

Project confidence by avoiding phrases that highlight nervousness; instead, focus on your strengths and qualifications for the role.


I Don't Have Any Weaknesses

Acknowledge your areas for growth without falling into the perfectionism trap; honesty about your weaknesses is a sign of self-awareness and willingness to improve.


What's the Salary for This Position?

Discussing salary too early can create a negative impression; wait until you have a better understanding of the role and the company's expectations before broaching the subject.


I'm Not Sure I Can Do That

Exhibit adaptability and a can-do attitude; expressing uncertainty without offering solutions can undermine your candidacy.


I Just Need a Job

Communicate your interest in the specific role and company rather than giving the impression that you're just seeking any job available


I Heard This Company Has a High Turnover

Avoid raising concerns about turnover rates during the interview; focus on showcasing your excitement for the opportunity and your commitment to contributing positively.


Can I Work From Home Right Away

While remote work may be a consideration, avoid pushing for it too early in the conversation; prioritize discussions about your qualifications and the role itself.
