7 beginner core exercises to reduce back pain and tone your core

Plank: This exercise involves holding a push-up position for a certain amount of time. It helps strengthen the core muscles and reduce back pain.

Bridge: This exercise involves lying on your back with your knees bent and lifting your hips off the ground. It helps strengthen the lower back and glutes.

Bird Dog: This exercise involves getting on all fours and extending one arm and the opposite leg. It helps improve balance and stability.

Dead Bug: This exercise involves lying on your back with your arms and legs in the air and moving them in opposite directions. It helps improve core strength and stability.

Superman: This exercise involves lying on your stomach and lifting your arms and legs off the ground. It helps strengthen the lower back and glutes.

Side Plank: This exercise involves holding a plank position on one side of your body. It helps strengthen the obliques and reduce back pain.

Russian Twist: This exercise involves sitting on the ground with your knees bent and twisting your torso from side to side. It helps strengthen the obliques and improve core stability.