Bananas are gentle on the stomach and provide essential nutrients like potassium and vitamin C. They are often recommended for people with upset stomachs.
White rice is easily digestible and can be a good source of energy when you need something gentle on your stomach. It's often recommended during bouts of diarrhea.
Applesauce is soft, low in fiber, and easy on the stomach. It can be a soothing option for those with digestive discomfort.
Potatoes are starchy and can provide a good source of calories without being too heavy on the digestive system when boiled and eaten plain.
Plain oatmeal, especially when cooked with water or easily digestible milk alternatives, is a gentle and fiber-rich option that can help regulate digestion.
Skinless, lean poultry like chicken or turkey is a good source of easily digestible protein. Baking or boiling them without added fat can make them even easier to digest.
Yogurt contains probiotics that can aid digestion. Opt for plain, unsweetened yogurt without artificial additives for the best results.
Eggs are a protein-rich food that is generally well-tolerated by most people. Boiling them makes them easier to digest compared to frying or scrambling.