Originating from Kenya, the Sokoke is a rare breed with a distinct, short, and dense coat marked by a unique ticking pattern. They have a slender build and are known for their agility and intelligence.
The Burmilla is a crossbreed between Burmese and Chinchilla Persian cats. They have a luxurious semi-long coat with a shaded silver coloration. Their striking appearance and sweet temperament make them sought after but relatively rare.
Originating from Thailand, Korats are known for their shimmering blue-grey coat and striking green eyes. They are considered a symbol of good luck and are a rare breed outside of Thailand.
The Toyger is a relatively new breed created to resemble a miniature tiger. They have distinctive stripes and a playful, outgoing temperament. Due to their unique appearance, they are in high demand despite their rarity.
Despite their wild appearance, Ocicats are domestic cats with spots resembling an ocelot. They have a sleek coat and a playful, sociable nature. Their rarity contributes to their appeal.
Chartreux cats have a robust build, woolly blue-grey coat, and captivating orange or copper eyes. They are known for their affectionate and gentle temperament and are relatively rare outside of their native France.
Known for their distinctive wire-like coat, the American Wirehair is a rare breed. They have a resilient, wiry coat and an affectionate personality.
The Peterbald is a unique Russian breed with various coat types, ranging from completely bald to a short, fine coat. They are known for their friendly and affectionate nature and are relatively rare outside of Russia.