The Sokoke is a rare breed native to Kenya. These cats have a distinctive ticked coat pattern and are known for their agile and active nature.
The Serengeti cat is a breed known for its wild appearance, resembling a serval or cheetah. They have a slender body, large ears, and a spotted coat.
Caracats are a hybrid breed created by crossing a Caracal (wildcat) and an Abyssinian. They have a striking appearance with tufted ears and a spotted coat.
The Toyger is bred to resemble a miniature tiger. They have bold, dark stripes on an orange or brown coat and are known for their playful and affectionate nature.
Oriental Bicolor cats are a rare variation of the Oriental Shorthair breed. They have striking coat colors and patterns, with one of the most popular being the "tuxedo" look.
The Chartreux is a rare French breed known for its dense, blue-gray coat and copper-colored eyes. They are calm and affectionate cats.
Originating from Russia's Kuril Islands, these cats have a unique bobtail and semi-long fur. They are strong and skilled hunters.
Minskins are a rare breed with a hairless body, short legs, and a distinctive wrinkled appearance. They are friendly and enjoy human companionship.