8 Tips to Grow Coriander at Home


Choose the Right Seeds

Kickstart your coriander journey by choosing quality seeds. Opt for fresh, high-quality coriander seeds to ensure a robust and flavorful herb harvest.


Sunlight Sweet Spot

Coriander loves to bask in the sunshine, so find the sunlight sweet spot. Place your pots or garden bed where your coriander can soak up at least 4-6 hours of sunlight daily.


Well-Draining Soil

Give your coriander roots breathing space with well-draining soil. The herb thrives in soil that allows excess water to escape, preventing waterlogging and promoting healthy growth.


Adequate Watering

Sip, don't drown – that's the rule for coriander watering. Keep the soil consistently moist, but avoid overwatering, as coriander dislikes waterlogged conditions.


Thin Seedlings Gently

Provide your coriander seedlings space to flourish by thinning them gently. This ensures proper air circulation and prevents overcrowding, promoting robust growth.


Fertilize Sparingly

Less is more when it comes to coriander fertilization. Use a balanced fertilizer sparingly to avoid overwhelming the delicate herb with excess nutrients.


Combat Pests Naturally

Defend your coriander against pests with a gentle touch. Neem oil or garlic spray can be natural allies in keeping pests at bay without harming your precious herb.


Harvest Leaves Regularly

Encourage continuous growth by harvesting coriander leaves regularly. Snip the outer leaves, allowing the inner ones to flourish, providing a constant supply for your culinary creations.
