9 Best Books On Human Behavior


The Psychology of Persuasion

Uncover the secrets behind persuasion as Cialdini navigates the psychological principles that shape human influence, making it a must-read for understanding the art of persuasion.


Thinking, Fast and Slow

Treat your curls to a weekly deep conditioning session. This extra dose of hydration will keep your hair soft, manageable, and resistant to the winter's drying effects.


Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business

Duhigg delves into the science of habits, revealing how they shape our lives and offering valuable insights into transforming them for personal and professional growth.


The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us

Pink investigates the science of motivation, challenging conventional wisdom and offering a fresh perspective on what truly drives human behavior, both personally and professionally.



Thaler and Sunstein introduce the concept of nudges—subtle changes that influence decision-making—providing a compelling argument for designing choices that lead to better outcomes.


The Art of Thinking Clearly

Dobelli explores common cognitive biases and errors that cloud our judgment, offering practical insights to enhance our decision-making skills and foster clearer thinking.


Emotional Intelligence

Goleman delves into the significance of emotional intelligence, illustrating how understanding and managing emotions play a crucial role in personal and professional success.


Predictably Irrational

Ariely uncovers the irrational aspects of human decision-making, providing a humorous and enlightening exploration of the hidden forces that influence our choices.
