A "winter of discontent" By "Super El Nino."


With a "super El Nino" tropical weather pattern predicting a deluged "winter of discontent," America's water issues may be about to become worse.

Some long-range outlooks indicate that Southern states will be targeted for high and prolonged rainfall throughout the next months.

The Climate Prediction Center of the National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) issued a warning, estimating that temperatures in the southern United States .

It was established earlier this year that El Nino is the result of increased ocean temperatures around South America's west coast.

There is believed that the phenomena, which has the potential to cause global weather pattern alterations, is unusually intensifying.

"We could be looking at a winter of discontent," said Jim Dale, senior meteorologist for British Weather Services and US weather reporter.

"Wetter weather across the southern states would be in line with an El Nino strengthening.

"In this area of the United States, this would mean a persistent danger of substantially wetter weather and floods.

The weather in this area is probably going to be warmer as well, in keeping with El Nino.