Beginning in 2024, Trump's campaign organization will spend $42 million on legal expenditures.

In Washington, DC, — Following heavy expenditure in 2019, the political operation of former president Donald Trump had over $130 million by the end of the year, but by the beginning of 2024, they had more than $42 million.

According to newly filed campaign finance records, Trump spent around $86 million by the end of 2023 among his four groups, with tens of millions of dollars going toward paying for legal fees.

Nearly $33 million remained in Trump's primary campaign committee at year's end. In the meanwhile, as of the beginning of 2024, President Joe Biden's principal campaign account had $46 million available to spend.

In the last months of 2024, Biden's political organization reported raising $97.1 million through its numerous fundraising committees. By the end of the year, it had amassed $117.4 million.

Among these figures are those for the president's ally, the Democratic National Committee

A star-studded fundraising blitz took place in December, which Biden's team claimed was his most successful fundraising month thus far.

Even while he is far and away the frontrunner among Republicans, Trump lacks Biden's fundraising advantages. As an example, Biden is able to collect about $1 million in individual contributions—and much more through a combined operation with the Democratic National Committee—thanks to a cooperative deal with the latter

Without securing the nomination and striking a comparable deal with the Republican National Committee—which began 2024 with only $8 million in the bank—Trump will not have access to that astronomically high ceiling.