Climate change impacts El Niño


El Niño has always been a component of the natural cycles of the climate. However, David Costalago, a marine scientist with the advocacy organization Oceana.

Oceana, said in an email that more lately, "the effects of El Niño have become more extreme and less predictable, likely due to the influence of climate change.

"Extreme El Niño (and La Niña) trends, according to scientists, may occur more regularly as long as greenhouse gas emissions keep the globe from cooling down.

According to one estimate, severe El Niños might happen once every ten years instead of about every other decade if greenhouse gas emissions keep growing sharply.

In the past, fisherman along South America's western coast observed that every few years, the currents would shift and the oceans would warm, causing their catch to disappear.

As we now know, the El Niño pattern often reaches its greatest strength in December, which is when they most frequently noted the issue.

El Niño alludes to that season, which is around Christmas. "The Christ child" is how it is translated.

They most often noticed the problem in December, when we now know the El Niño pattern often reaches its peak intensity.