Everything a First-Time Dog Owner Should Know


Dog Ownership

Getting a dog or puppy is thrilling. Dog ownership is new, so you undoubtedly have many questions. Before buying a dog, do some study to choose the right one.

Dog Ownership Duties

Dog ownership has numerous rewards, but don't acquire one without understanding the obligations. If you get a dog, whether a puppy or an adult, you'll need to care for it forever.

Choose Well

If you want a purebred dog, explore the breeds. What do you admire about such breeds besides appearance? Choose a breed that fits your lifestyle, space, and money.


Puppy or Adult?

Most people consider getting a puppy, but others are open to mature dogs. Although cute, puppies are a lot of effort. It takes substantial socializing and training in the first year for them

Where to Buy a Dog

You may purchase a puppy from a breeder or adopt a puppy or adult dog from an animal shelter or rescue organization to add a new dog to your home.

Buying from Breeders

If you want a purebred puppy, purchase from a respectable breeder. Many internet puppy sales originate from brokers or mills, making purebred puppy purchases dangerous.

Shelter or Rescue Adoption

Your local animal shelter or rescue organization has several mixed breed puppies and adult dogs for adoption. Though you may not know much about the parents, puppies are often available.

New Dog Arrival

Bring your new puppy or dog home after choosing them. Your new puppy or adult dog should see a vet within three days of ownership for a wellness checkup.