How El Niño affects global warming?


It is well known that El Niño raises global temperatures. With the Earth experiencing global warming due to greenhouse gas emissions.

There are concerns that El Niño's impact may cause climate change thresholds to become unstable.

The ocean loses heat, which is subsequently retained in the atmosphere, due to the warm Pacific seas and enhanced evaporation.

Additionally, more of the sun's heat is absorbed into the atmosphere rather than the waters due to the higher cloud cover caused by that evaporation.

According to scientific estimates, that tendency may raise world average temperatures by a few tenths of a degree Celsius.

According to Berkeley Earth's Robert Rohde, 2023 would likely rank as the second, third, or fourth hottest year on record.

However, as of mid-April, there was a 38 percent probability that the globe will record a new annual average temperature.

He added, "If El Niño develops, it is likely to boost global average temperatures moderately for the remainder of 2023 and into 2024."

During past transitions from La Niña to El Niño, there has been a documented increase in global heat reaching record levels.