Older Adults Who Take Vitamin D


Vitamin D is a special nutrient since it is both a hormone our bodies produce and a component of the food we eat.

Vitamin D health advantages range from bolstering the immune system and strong bones to enhancing one's disposition.

Recent research in the British Medical Journal analyzed data from a large group of people aged 60 to 84.

 Participants were randomly assigned to receive either a placebo or a vitamin D supplement of 60,000 IU per month (or around 2,000 IU per day) for up to five years.

At the conclusion of the trial, information from approximately 16,800 people who were still taking the pills was evaluated.

Approximately 1,336 serious cardiovascular events (such as heart attack, stroke, and operations to treat coronary artery disease) occurred during the trial.

 However, those who were already taking heart drugs like statins at the start of the research had a lower risk of serious heart problems in the vitamin D.

While intriguing, the results were not statistically significant, and previous studies have found no link between vitamin D intake and serious heart problems.