Poor sleep can affect hunger and appetite hormones, causing abdominal weight gain. Poor sleep causes hormonal changes that impact hunger and food consumption. Poor sleep affects hunger and abdominal weight gain in several ways:
Inadequate sleep increases ghrelin and decreases leptin, generating a hormonal imbalance that may increase hunger and decrease fullness.
Poor sleep increases the appetite for energy-dense, high-carbohydrate foods, especially sugary and fatty ones.
Chronic sleep deprivation can increase insulin resistance and insulin levels. Elevated insulin levels can cause abdominal fat accumulation.
Cortisol stores visceral fat, therefore high amounts can cause belly obesity.
Disrupted circadian rhythms or sleep patterns can influence the body's internal clock, affecting hunger and metabolism.
To improve sleep and health: Try to sleep 7-9 hours per night. Set a sleep schedule. Create a soothing nighttime ritual. Limit screen time before bed. Maintain sleep comfort.
Sleeping well can help regulate hunger and manage weight, including belly weight gain. If sleep problems persist, healthcare professionals or sleep specialists can help identify and treat underlying disorders.
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