Puppy love: Do I like dogs more than people?

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1. Unconditional Love

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Dogs are known for their unconditional love. They don't judge, hold grudges, or have complex emotions. Their love is pure and straightforward, which can be comforting.

2. Non-Judgmental Companionship

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Dogs don't criticize or analyze your actions. They provide a non-judgmental presence, making it easier for some individuals to relax and be themselves.

3. Loyalty

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Dogs are incredibly loyal creatures. They form strong bonds with their owners and are often seen as faithful companions who stick by your side through thick and thin.

4. Simple Communication

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Communication with dogs is often simpler than with people. While dogs can't speak, they communicate through body language and behavior, creating a straightforward and honest interaction.

5. Stress Relief

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Spending time with dogs has been shown to reduce stress and increase feelings of happiness. The simplicity of their needs and the joy they express can be a source of comfort.

6. Uncomplicated Relationships

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Relationships with dogs are generally uncomplicated. They don't engage in drama or complex social interactions, making the bond simpler and more straightforward.

7. Consistent and Predictable

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Dogs provide a consistent and predictable presence. They follow routines, and their needs are clear. This can be reassuring for individuals who appreciate stability and predictability.

8. Non-Verbal Support

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Dogs are excellent at providing non-verbal support. They sense emotions, offer comfort without words, and are often intuitive to their owner's needs.

8 Ways To Show Your Dog You Love Them So They Understand