S'more Brownies Recipes

The ideal s'more brownie has graham cracker crust, fudgy brownie, and toasted meringue. These tasty bars can be served year-round.

– 1 1/2 cups (150 g) graham cracker crumb – 1/4 cup (50 g) granulated sugar – 1/4 teaspoon (1.5 g) salt – 5 tablespoons (70 g) unsalted butter, melted



S'mores are so popular that you can find nearly any variety (s'more pudding parfaits?).  I can see why—they're excellent.  


 And who says s'mores are only for summer?  S'mores are a year-round delicacy, so I'm making them in October!


These brownies combine every s'more layer in one delectable bite!  They have graham cracker crumbs and my fudgy brownies on top.


 They finish with a simple, perfectly toasted meringue topping.


Graham cracker crumbs.  These form the s'more brownie base.  Graham cracker crumbs can be made from whole crackers or bought.  Homemade honey or cinnamon graham crackers work wonderfully in this recipe.


Granulated sugar.  Used to mildly sweeten all three brownie layers. Salt.  A pinch of salt balances desserts' sweetness.  Little goes a long way. Butter.  Always bake with unsalted butter.  It binds the graham cracker crust and gives brownies a rich flavor.


Bittersweet chocolate.  One ounce is used in this recipe.  It makes the brownie layer chocolateier. Eggs.  Maintain brownie moisture.  Eggs leaven these s'more brownies. All-purpose flour.  Provides brownie structure.  Bread and cake flours make brownies overly dense or cakey. Egg whites.  Used to make meringue.


Also See: 

 S'more Brownies Recipes