The Best Red Velvet Cake Recipe

Everyone likes chocolate-covered strawberries, a great Christmas or Valentine's Day present. This recipe includes my best strawberry suggestions for optimal results!

– 2 ⅔ cups cake flour (spooned & leveled) (295 grams) – ¼ cup natural unsweetened cocoa powder (22 grams) – 1 teaspoon baking soda – ½ teaspoon salt – ½ cup unsalted butter softened (115 grams) – 1 ¾ cups granulated sugar (350 grams) – 2 large eggs at room temperature – ½ cup canola or vegetable oil (120 ml)


– 1 (1-ounce) bottle liquid red food color – 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract – 1 teaspoon distilled white vinegar – 1 ⅓ cups buttermilk at room temperature (320 ml)


Layering red velvet cake: Start oven at 350°F (177°C). Put parchment paper and nonstick spray on two 9-inch cake pans. Stir cake flour, cocoa powder, baking soda, and salt in a large bowl. 


Remove cocoa powder lumps by sifting dry ingredients. In a stand mixer with the paddle attachment or a large basin with a handheld mixer, combine butter and sugar on medium speed for 4–5 minutes. 


Stir in the oil, red food coloring, vanilla, and vinegar after combining the eggs, scraping the bowl. Add buttermilk and dry ingredients three times, starting and finishing with dry. 


Stir each ingredient just until combined, avoiding overmixing the batter. Layer the batter in the two prepared cake pans. Cake air bubbles can be removed by tapping pans on counter 2–3 times.


A central toothpick should come out clean after 28–32 minutes. Slowly remove pans from oven and cool on wire rack for 15–20 minutes. Cool cakes on wire rack slowly. 


Also See: 

Chocolate Covered Strawberries Recipe