Top 8 Blue Cat Breeds You Should Know

White Line

1. Russian Blue

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Known for their striking silver-blue coat and green eyes, they are intelligent and gentle.

2. Chartreux

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Recognized by a robust body and distinctive copper or gold eyes, their coat is blue-gray.

3. British Shorthair

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With a dense, plush coat and round face, the blue variant is particularly popular.

4. Korat

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Originating from Thailand, Korats have a short blue coat and large, expressive eyes.

5. Nebelung

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Similar to the Russian Blue, Nebelungs have long, silky blue-gray fur and vivid green eyes.

6. Blue Persian

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The Persian breed has a blue coat variation, known for its luxurious long fur.

7. Scottish Fold

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Known for their folded ears, Scottish Folds can have a blue coat among other colors.

8. Siberian

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While not exclusively blue, Siberian cats can have blue coloration in their thick, water-resistant coat.

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