‘Uncharted waters’ because of El Niño


Experts worry that a slow-to-emerge El Niño combined with exceptionally high, storm-boosting ocean temperatures.

The 18 named storms that the Atlantic season has produced so far have been above normal, according to Phil Klotzbach.

The busiest part of the Atlantic hurricane season usually ends in the first half of October. But according to Brian McNoldy.

Senior Research Associate at the University of Miami, very high sea surface temperatures throughout the Atlantic "expand the reach of where something might form" .

By the time the season concludes on November 30, the number of storms often starts to rapidly decline at the end of October and reaches a plateau.

When a hurricane does develop, it usually does so in locations that are much too close together for comfort, such the western Caribbean.

This implies that in a typical October, residents in areas like Florida—which was severely damaged by Category 5 Hurricane Michael's landfall.