Why are we still changing the clocks?


As we begin to take pleasure in the season's changing foliage, we are reminded that the less welcome shift of the twice-yearly .

The University of Colorado at Boulder reports that it was originally enacted as a wartime measure and was subsequently abolished in 1919.

The Uniform Time Act of 1966 made the twice-yearly clock change official, though it had been reestablished in 1942 during World War II.

"Why do we even still observe daylight saving time?" It's a straightforward inquiry with a moderately convoluted solution.

Although initially popular in the United States, it swiftly lost support as parents became concerned about their children's safety on the road and in the classroom because of the earlier start time.

Since then, authorities on both the state and federal levels have made moves to end the practice.

In September 2023, the following states will have passed laws or resolutions: Alabama, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Ohio, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Utah.

 Legislation has been passed in Kentucky and Mississippi, and studies have been commissioned in Massachusetts.

The National Conference of State Legislatures says that 29 states have already introduced daylight saving time-related bills this year.