George Galloway’s craziest moments – from Big Brother cat antics to hailing Saddam Hussein

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George Galloway, the controversial British politician known for his outspoken views and unorthodox antics, has never been one to shy away from the spotlight.

From his time in parliament to his appearances on reality television, Galloway has consistently made headlines for his colorful personality and headline-grabbing stunts.

In this article, we’ll take a look at some of Galloway’s craziest moments, from his infamous Big Brother cat antics to his controversial praise of Saddam Hussein.

Big Brother Cat Incident

One of George Galloway’s most memorable moments came during his stint on the reality television show Big Brother in 2006.

Galloway, who was a Member of Parliament at the time, caused a stir when he pretended to be a cat and crawled around on all fours, lapping milk from the hands of actress Rula Lenska.

The bizarre stunt garnered widespread attention and criticism, with many questioning Galloway’s judgment and professionalism as an elected official.

Praise for Saddam Hussein

Throughout his political career, George Galloway has been a divisive figure, often attracting controversy with his outspoken views on foreign policy.

In 1994, Galloway caused a firestorm of criticism when he traveled to Iraq and met with then-President Saddam Hussein.

During the meeting, Galloway praised Hussein and expressed his opposition to the United Nations sanctions imposed on Iraq, leading many to accuse him of being sympathetic to the dictator’s regime.

Anti-Israeli Stance

Galloway has long been a vocal critic of Israel and its treatment of the Palestinian people. In 2009, he sparked outrage when he declared the city of Bradford, England, to be an “Israel-free zone” during a speech at a pro-Palestinian rally.

The comments were widely condemned as anti-Semitic and prompted calls for Galloway to be investigated for hate speech.

Despite the backlash, Galloway remained unapologetic, defending his remarks as a legitimate expression of solidarity with the Palestinian cause.

Suspension from Labour Party

In 2003, George Galloway was suspended from the Labour Party following allegations that he had received illicit payments from the regime of Saddam Hussein.

The allegations stemmed from documents discovered in Iraq after the fall of Hussein’s regime, which purported to show payments to Galloway and his political organization, the Mariam Appeal.

Galloway vehemently denied the accusations, calling them “a pack of lies” and accusing the British government of fabricating evidence to discredit him.

Defeat of Labour MP Oona King

In one of the most surprising moments of his political career, George Galloway defeated Labour MP Oona King in the 2005 general election to win a seat in the House of Commons representing the Bethnal Green and Bow constituency.

Galloway ran as a candidate for the Respect Party, a left-wing political party he co-founded in opposition to the Iraq War.

His victory sent shockwaves through the political establishment and cemented his status as a maverick figure in British politics.

Expulsion from Labour Party

In 2003, George Galloway was expelled from the Labour Party following a disciplinary hearing into allegations of misconduct.

The decision came after Galloway publicly criticized Prime Minister Tony Blair and the Labour government’s support for the Iraq War.

Galloway’s expulsion marked the end of his long association with the Labour Party and further solidified his reputation as a political outsider.

Clash with US Senate

In 2005, George Galloway found himself in the spotlight once again when he appeared before the US Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations to answer allegations that he had received payments from the regime of Saddam Hussein.

During the hearing, Galloway delivered a fiery speech denouncing the accusations as “the mother of all smokescreens” and accusing the US government of fabricating evidence to discredit him.

The confrontation between Galloway and the Senate panel made headlines around the world and further cemented his reputation as a fearless and outspoken critic of Western foreign policy.


Love him or loathe him, there’s no denying that George Galloway has left an indelible mark on British politics and public life.

From his controversial statements to his headline-grabbing stunts, Galloway has always been a polarizing figure, unafraid to speak his mind and challenge the status quo.

As he continues to court controversy and make waves in the world of politics, one thing is for sure: with George Galloway, you never know what’s coming next.

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